Lance & Megan's Blog

Student Profile #3


Here is one of our few guys- Genadi or Gena for short.

Here is the perfect picture of Gena, in front of the world with a Bible in his hand.

Age: 38

From: Kiev (Capitol of Ukraine)

Gena basically enjoys preaching. He is always sharing something that he has learned in the Bible. He also enjoys fishing, sports, music and mushrooms.

Gena has one of those stories to tell that you simply think “wow.” Gena has gone through Teen Challenge in Kiev. He came from a life of drugs, alcohol, and sickness. While in prison, he was forsaken by his family and friends. God was certainly looking out for Gena; Gena will tell you he should really be dead now, but by God’s grace he is still alive. God has restored his relationship with his family now as well.

One of my favorite quotes from Gena this week happened in the kitchen. Dima our cook, saw Gena throwing away some bread. In a chastising cook sort of tone, Dima says “Gena, why you throwing away the bread?” Gena, who does not know English hears the word bread and simply replies “bread, yes bread” as he leaves the kitchen. We could only laugh. Gena usually likes to say “wow,” it must be one of his favorite words.

I am glad that Gena is coming to Ethiopia with us. He has such a passion to preach the Gospel and save the lost, it can almost be overwhelming!

P.S. Gena broke his arm while we were ice skating (at an indoor rink) in October. He is a trooper though and has a great attitude!

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