Lance & Megan's Blog

Telling stories


Once upon a time, I had the fun privilege of visiting an after school/work tutoring program that runs in the center of the city. A strong king invites people to come and pay to be part of a class for extra English lessons. This is open to kids, fairies, and adults a like! I have been in contact with one teacher and a shepherdess who has asked me a couple of times to come and be a part of her class. My most recent visit involved me and a talking shoe to take part in one of their teacher seminars and afterwards teaching a short lesson in a classroom in a cave.

Speaking to teachers

Speaking to teachers (not in a cave)

I like to use a fun little game called Once Upon a Time when I teach. This is a game that is all about storytelling as you may have gathered. Stories usually sound like the one above, just complete nonsense. (The previous story is true if you take out the randomness.)

Making a storyline

Making a storyline

Students have fun learning to create a story based on cards that they drew from a deck. The objective of the game is to weave a tale using storytelling cards you pulled from a deck to arrive at a predetermined ending. These can range from a wide variety of cards, you can have words like strong or weak, king or queen, forest or castle, fairy or giant, ruins or broken… the list goes on. The ending of the story is also chosen from a deck of possible endings. You can have the classic, ‘and the lived happily ever after,’ or ‘the evildoers were thrown into a well and never heard of again,’ or perhaps ‘and he picked up his weapon and went on his way.’ There are many options but you can only arrive at one ending!

Sharing the rough draft

Sharing the rough draft

My time at the tutoring program was fun. Students created stories that had magical changing forests, armies of devils, and sleeping beauties. They were very creative and ready to share. I look forward to being able to come and partner with this program in the future!

Working hard on stories

Working hard on stories




I can’t put any other words to it. How else can you say it?

My days of singledom are numbered!

wood, close up, good

I’m looking forward to tying the knot.

jumping, good

We’re taking the plunge and I’m changing my name!

wood, close up, laughing

Gettin hitched sounds great right now.

hug by the lake, b&w

Seriously, I will be Mrs. Megan Roberts in a little over six months! Life just can’t get any better, except if maybe I was getting married tomorrow….

door, good

I will be marrying Lance Roberts this fall. I can’t wait to start a new journey together with Lance!

snowy trees

P.S. A good friend of both Lance and I offered to take some photos of the two of us around Ternopil. We had a lot of fun running around the parks taking photos! Thanks Masha!



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English For Missions 2013


Our 2013 school year has begun!

5 Staff and 1 student

5 Staff and 1 student

As some of you know, this year we have just ONE amazing student. We started with several applications and people claiming that they will come, but slowly one by one people cancelled, their plans changed or I simply never heard from them again.

We spent time in prayer wondering if the school should continue? Should we cancel? Should we change the dates? We were inundated with questions and doubts.  As we prayed though, all doubt vanished. We were 100% sure that God wanted the school to continue no matter how many students came.

As the time drew near for the start of the school we had one student who seemed determined to come. I emailed her and let her know that she may be the only student and should feel free to reconsider if she did not want to do the school alone. I did not hear back for awhile, but when I did she wrote that she had bought her ticket here! Ok, I guess that means we have a school!

We of course have had to readjust lessons, activities, and plans to fit having only one student. Lucky for our student, she gets to have every lesson tailored to her needs. God made a way for her to be here financially and with other plans. It really is a miracle that she is here! She is so happy to be here and we are blessed to have her.

posted under EFM, English, YWAM | 2 Comments »

Happy birthday to me!


Just thought I would add a short video of the YWAM Ternopil staff singing happy birthday to me, a few days early! I was surprised that they had a cake for me! It was so yummy… carrot cake with cream cheese frosting. (Cream cheese is quite the treat here!)

On my birthday, I was served homemade bagels for breakfast, with Philadelphia cream cheese (you can’t buy bagels here and the only kind of real cream cheese is Philadelphia which is quite expensive.) I was surprised by this cake at our base intercession time. My friends made me dinner and dessert on my birthday and gave me some wonderful gifts! I was more than blessed to be with my dear friends!

posted under funny, Megan | 1 Comment »

Ukrainian roads


A friend posted this video showing just how bad roads can get, especially after the winter. It’s 5 minutes long, but if you watch the first 2 minutes or so, you get the idea. It’s a “highway” from Ternopil to Lviv.

Remember my adventure on the road to Moldova? Just picture craters covering the road…

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