Instead of telling you about what we did for a staff training time, I thought it would be more interesting to share what we learned.

Mary Jean Powers came to Ternopil for a week in which three days were set aside for staff training. She also spent time with our leadership team and with just Lance and I. The thoughts I will share with you are from our staff training time.
~We should be active blessers, blessing people should be normal and natural
~Things that God wants to use the most is where Satan attacks the most.
~Distractions take us away from people, hope and what God has for us.
~You need a strategy of how to keep your purpose and blessing.
~You won’t be able to disciple others until you are practicing spiritual disciplines.
~God has called us to be interdependent. Philippians 2:1-13
~Don’t just ask “What time is it?” We should follow the Greek word ‘kairos’ meaning “What is it time for?”
~Exodus 20:8 commands us to remember the Sabbath, and Sabbath is a day of rest.
~The Chinese word for “busy” contains the symbols for “heart” and “kill”
~To serve God is to do what he asks, not necessarily doing good things
~Jesus walked everywhere, he didn’t hurry, he didn’t run. Heaven is not in a hurry.
~Genesis 2:1-3 The first day that Adam was alive, was a day of rest. God gave him a day of rest before he “earned” it!
~If we forget to rest, we can forget who we are, we forget our families, we forget to be curious, to explore, to play, and how to have fun.
~It’s not honorable to exhaust the home of the Holy Spirit
~Honoring the Sabbath is to lay to rest the previous week and not drag it into next week
If you are interested in Mary Jean’s work and ministry, you can check her out at: Get The Word Out!