Lance & Megan's Blog

And so it begins!


Every year, we plan to have a Discipleship Training School in the fall. It began this last year September 14th with 9 students from Ukraine and England. I will give you a pictorial review of our time.

DTS 2015 team photo

The Team!

School always starts with lectures and some classroom training. Normally, we don’t have our practicum until after we have finished the 12 week lecture time but this year we decided to do a small 2 week mini outreach in the middle. We went to nearby town of Chortkiv and did all sorts of activities. Here are some pictures form that time.

cotton candy

Making free cotton candy for the public


Giving out Bibles and praying for people

puppet show

Puppet show for kids

tanya painting

Painting and sharing testimony in church

After our outreach in Chortkiv, it was back to lectures. Students had a variety of teachers who spoke on a variety of topics. Here is a glimpse of what that time looked like:

wk2 lance

Lance teaching on Hearing the Voice of God

wk7 Jonny

Joint lecture with Calvary Chapel students

wk8 Orban

Busy writing

wk9 MaryJean

Where in the world is…?


Overview of the Bible


Biblical timeline

Besides lectures, we did have some fun activities and special events.

conference in Kyiv

Loren Cunningham comes to Kyiv!

DTS dinner at R&R

Dinner out

DTS tea 2

Ladies Tea

intercession outside

Praying for the city

Cleaning up the local Jewish cemetery

Cleaning up the local Jewish cemetery

It was a long and tiring 3 months but everyone did it and we succeeded in learning lots. Students grew together as a team, grew closer to God, and the people they served.

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And another one bites the dust


**After a long hiatus, we will be catching up on blog posts! Sorry for the long wait. Some of the posts will be short and sweet but at least there will be pictures!


Another Murray girl gets married, just one more to go! Megan’s sister got married this summer to an awesome guy, Joel Kilmer. It was the event of the year!

They had the opportunity to get married on our parent’s property in Washington, basically in our backyard. It was a task to prepare the wedding site but it looked great in the end.

A&J being silly

The happy couple being silly


walking down the isle by lacy fontaine

First walk as a married couple

the toasts by Ali Wakefield

The sisters toasting the couple

16 sisters at wedding

We will always be sisters


Scenic wooded venue

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Making memories with family


I can easily say that one of the harder things about being a missionary is missing out on making memories with our families in the states.

If your family decides to go on a joint vacation, you probably go. If there is a family reunion, you do all you can to make it there. Those things are generally not much of an option for us because of distance and cost, so creating shared memories is important when we are stateside.

This summer we were able to create some great memories with both our families. It was refreshing to be together, laugh together and have good conversations without a delay, figuring out a time when we are both awake to talk or loosing the connection mid-sentence.

Here is a picture recap of some of the good memories we made with our families and friends.

Kayaking in Oregon

Kayaking in Oregon

Brothers kayaking

Lance and his brothers kayaking

three of us

Hiking at Elk Lake

Lance and I got to have five whole days to ourselves and we spent it at our favorite place… the ocean!

15a us at the ocean

Poking at tide pools at Seal Rock


Pit stop at Tillamook!

Ukraine gang together

Ukraine friends reunion

family reunion kayaks

Family reunion at Lake Wallowa, Oregon

15b Roberts fam 2015

Roberts family at Lake Wallowa

17 boys building dam

Building a rock dam in Canada

us and rocks5

Building cairns along the river’s edge

family photo2

Family vacation to Canada

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There are 3 nurses in the family!


June 20th marks the day my two sisters graduated from nursing school as registered nurses. It really is a big day!

Ready for the festivities to start!

Ready for the festivities to start!

The both decided to attend the nursing school at Seattle Central Community College at the same time. They were almost going to be in different cohorts but switched at the last minute so they were in the same classes for the past few years. They enjoyed being able to share classes, especially the last half a year where they discovered they could just send one to class and share the notes later… Cheaters.

Alison pinned first

Alison pinned first

Kathryn pinned second

Kathryn pinned second

Lance and I were able to be there to witness the momentous occasion. It was truly an exciting moment. They had the option to be pinned by another registered nurse or have a school representative pin them, they naturally chose to be pinned by our dad, a registered nurse for over 30 years! He got to pin both his daughters! It was a little comical to hear the gasp as the announcer said “Alison Murray, pinned by her dad George Murray… and Kathryn Murray, pinned by her father.” The crowd thought it was pretty cool too.

One proud dad

One proud dad

So glad we could be there to congratulate them!

The kids together

The kids together

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Art of Hope


Hope is such an important thing. It is so hard to live without hope. During times of uncertainty, war, economic struggles, many will feel that there is no hope. We have certainly seen this first hand in Ukraine. I can’t tell you the number of times someone has said something negative about Ukraine. So many want to leave, people have verbally said, “there is no hope here.”

We are saddened by the number of people that are leaving, we’ve lost friends from English club and neighbors. We are saddened by the despair that many feel.


We are happy though to bring hope to people. We had a great opportunity to partner with a local cafe and organize an art exhibit with the theme of hope. We both worked to find artists and bring things together. We had one of our Ternopil staff members submit some photos and we had a YWAM worker from another city in Ukraine submit tattoo art as well as two other local artists.


The final result was great, it was small but was a perfect start to a partnership and future projects with this cafe. Lance shared some thoughts on hope at the opening and a local pastor shared a song on hope.


9 Art exhibit

Here is what Lance said:


To what do you wrap your arms of hope around and hold fast?  This is a crucial question in times like these.  When all around us seems to be unstable and the things that once, in our minds, were unmovable are now shakable. There is a proverb that says, “Hope deferred makes the heart sick.” This is very true. When you look around, it is easy to feel your heart and soul grown in despair. Yet even then, Hope dies last.

Hope is a driving force that is imbedded deep in our souls. Who can forget Galadriel in this iconic scene from the books and subsequent films “Lord of the Rings”, “And you, Ring-bearer,’ she said, turning to Frodo. ‘I come to you last who are not last in my thoughts… ‘In this phial… is caught the light of Eärendil’s star, set amid the waters of my fountain. It will shine still brighter when night is about you. May it be a light to you in dark places, when all other lights go out.” Galadriel wasn’t just giving light, she was giving hope.

Hope reminds us that good wins over evil.  That there are things worth fighting for in this world.  It reminds us that things we do now do effect the future of our grandchildren.  That is why we must set our highest hopes on something unshakable, unchanging, and everlasting. This world will never look the same from yesterday to today. Hope in the Unchangeable is the only consistent.

So as you look at these depictions of art, we invite you to search high and low, near and far to find your hope. To find the thing that is worth hoping in, the something that in which you will be able to wrap your arms of hope and know, hope never fails.

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