Lance & Megan's Blog

A wedding in Turkey


In 2014, my dear friend Joanne moved to Turkey to volunteer with a group there. We went through TESOL together in Washington, we taught English together for several years in Ternopil, we were in Romania together, we lived together and spent many late nights together watching old black and white movies.

Our TESOL graduation photo, where we first met.

Our 2010 TESOL graduation photo, where we first met.

When she asked if I would be in her wedding, I of course said “YES!” Turkey is not far from Ukraine so it really was not difficult for us to go. Joanne knew my parents and family from our trip to Romania and from my wedding so it was a fun bonus to have my parents join in the wedding festivities too. We were all able to travel together to Turkey with other friends from Ukraine.

Together again!

Together again!

We came a little early to be there for a bridal party and help with extra planning. We did get our nails done with all the bridesmaids and had extra time to fellowship.


Another happy couple

Another happy couple

The wedding site was in an olive grove, how cool is that! Joanne had made simple decorations but the beauty was already there. Joanne met her husband in Turkey while he was also volunteering. They are both so loving and compassionate!

Giving a toast to the newlyweds

Giving a toast to the newlyweds

With the happy couple

With the happy couple

There were a few fun Turkish elements to the wedding that made it unique and memorable. One was that there was a bridal party dance, the bride and her bridesmaids are on one side of the dance floor and the groom and his groomsmen are on the other. The bride dances and her bridesmaids must copy whatever she does, then the groom dances and his groomsmen copy his moves. Let’s just say it was hilarious! Turkish men know how to dance and have fun on the dance floor.

Bridal party dance

Bridal party dance

There are also lots of sparklers and flares and sparkler fountains, anything bright and flashy. They had sparkler fountains going all around the cake when it was brought out. Sparklers when they left and flares when they were about to leave.

Don't worry, the cake was fine

Don’t worry, the cake was fine

We had so much fun celebrating Joanne and Isa. They will be a dynamic couple in Turkey.

After the wedding, we got to see more of the area and were able to take a day trip to Ephesus. We all enjoyed seeing the ancient ruins of the city that Paul writes of. There were interesting facades and motifs everywhere you turned, little passages to go through and colonnades to to stroll. It was quite a large area and of course there were mobs of people but we still enjoyed soaking in the history.

Exploring is our specialty!

Exploring is our specialty!

With my parents at the library of Celsus in Ephesus.

With my parents at the library of Celsus in Ephesus.

At the amphitheater

At the amphitheater

At the Church of St. Mary

At the Church of St. Mary

At the Basilica of St. John

At the Basilica of St. John

Skipping rocks in the Aegean Sea

Skipping rocks in the Aegean Sea


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Having family here


Two years ago Megan’s sisters came to visit, that was the last time a family member came to visit but now that has changed. Meg’s parents came for a wonderful visit.

We can’t tell you how AWESOME it is to have family here with us. It is encouraging and motivating to have people here to experience and see first hand what we do. It is one thing to explain over Skype and show pictures online but to see something in person solidifies what goes on.

Visiting a castle

Visiting a castle

Picnic in the shadow of castle ruins

Picnic in the shadow of castle ruins

George and Peggy joined us for staff meeting, worship and intercession, we roped them into helping us do some cleaning too. They even taught a new game in English Club! Besides having them join us in our day to day activities, we took them around the area to see some more of Ukraine. There were a few castles to visit, ruins to see, and cities to explore. Since we have made it a point to get to know our area better, we had lots of favorite spots to show off.

At Pidkamin

At Pidkamin

Abandoned palace

Abandoned palace

One highlight was getting to celebrate Orthodox Easter here. We brought them to the sunrise service by the lake and the main church service later. We all went to a friends house for plate upon plate of food! They got to try lots of different Ukrainian dishes.

Easter service

Easter service

Reading the Easter story

Reading the Easter story at sunrise in the park

They also celebrated their 35th wedding anniversary with us. What a great way to celebrate 35 years of being married! We took them to our favorite restaurant.

Happy Anniversary!

Happy Anniversary!

Overall, we had fun just spending time together. We got to sit together on the same sofa and talk and not through the computer! Our time ended with us all going to Turkey for Joanne’s wedding. See the next post for details on our adventures in Turkey!

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DTS has come to us!


As you may remember, we sent our Discipleship Training School students to Montenegro and Albania for their outreach. There are DTS schools all around the world sending their students to different locations for their outreaches. We recently had the honor of hosting one team from Montana for their outreach!

A team of 11 people came for two weeks. We got to set up a little schedule for them to experience different ministries and activities that we are normally a part of.

Helping with Coffeehouse Ministry

Helping with Coffeehouse Ministry

They had students go to the public school and help in an English class as well as other English courses and our English Club. The shared testimonies and did dramas in our coffeehouse ministry as well as in the parks. They went to another city and helped with evangelism and shared in church on Sunday.

Sharing stories in English

Sharing stories in English

It is always an encouragement and blessing to have teams with us. Yes it is a lot of work to set things up and help them around the city but it is worth it. It is like get a shot of energy and excitement for what you do. Teams draw attention and bring more people to us.

Playing games in school

Playing games in school

Anyone thinking about coming, you are more than welcome to come!!

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Congratulations to the class of 2016!


All 9 of our students have graduated! We are so proud of everyone for sticking with it and choosing to grow!

They ended their DTS season by looking back on all that they did and by preparing for the future. Many of them will be continuing in missions or in ministry of some kind. They all have a heart to serve people and to be obedient to whatever God asks.

We had a short but sweet ceremony, where the students gave a short program and then we gave thanks to everyone who helped us and ended the night with the giving of certificates. It was a great evening for everyone!


Giving God the honor for what He has done

Giving God the honor for what He has done

group shot at graduation

Yeah! They did it!

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And they’re off!


And we are off with them! Yep, outreach involves leaving your place of training and going to a new location. This year, our outreach was in Ukraine, Montenegro and Albania.

The students did a lot of work between these three countries. Montenegro and Albania were new outreach locations for us and therefore we did not know what to expect.

by the trailer

Home sweet home

In Montenegro, we were divided between two locations, some of us stayed in trailers, some of us in a church office, and some of us in a home. It got a bit chaotic sometimes for us to get together but we did! We were also in Montenegro for three holidays! Christmas on the 25th, New Year, and Orthodox Christmas. We did a lot of celebrating!

Our ministry was more spontaneous and fluid than we had hoped. We discovered that the holiday time is not the best time to come to Montenegro. It made it difficult to have events or meet with people. Our group was great at building relationships with locals and sharing the Gospel message with those they met on the street though and we did see a level of trust and understanding from those that we talked to.

Christmas in Montenegro

Merry Christmas!

New Year

Happy New Year!

Jan 7

Merry Christmas again!

kids club

Kids club

music at church in MNE

Singing Ukrainian songs in church

on the bridge

Evangelism on the streets

seed packets

Preparing tracts to give away

Albania held different activities for us. We were able to partner with the local Youth With A Mission to do some evangelism on the beach, prepare an English and craft lesson for a local public school, help with some practical needs, and share in a church. We have some gifted artists so they were able to show off their skills at church and in painting a prayer room for the YWAM base in Albania. We were able to serve the YWAM base by doing some practical work for them. They have just entered into a lease with an old hotel and there is lots of work to be done. We came at the right time to bless!

church in Albania

Sharing our talents and testimony

group crafts at school

Craft time at a local school!

digging the fence

Landscaping at the YWAM base

music on the beach 3

Evangelism on the beach

Ukrainian night 3

Making vareniki for Ukrainian culture night

Vova painting

Painting a prayer room

on the bridge in ALB

The whole team in Durres, Albania

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