Lance & Megan's Blog

English For Missions 2013


Our 2013 school year has begun!

5 Staff and 1 student

5 Staff and 1 student

As some of you know, this year we have just ONE amazing student. We started with several applications and people claiming that they will come, but slowly one by one people cancelled, their plans changed or I simply never heard from them again.

We spent time in prayer wondering if the school should continue? Should we cancel? Should we change the dates? We were inundated with questions and doubts.  As we prayed though, all doubt vanished. We were 100% sure that God wanted the school to continue no matter how many students came.

As the time drew near for the start of the school we had one student who seemed determined to come. I emailed her and let her know that she may be the only student and should feel free to reconsider if she did not want to do the school alone. I did not hear back for awhile, but when I did she wrote that she had bought her ticket here! Ok, I guess that means we have a school!

We of course have had to readjust lessons, activities, and plans to fit having only one student. Lucky for our student, she gets to have every lesson tailored to her needs. God made a way for her to be here financially and with other plans. It really is a miracle that she is here! She is so happy to be here and we are blessed to have her.

posted under EFM, English, YWAM
2 Comments to

“English For Missions 2013”

  1. On March 19th, 2013 at 11:13 pm mom Says:

    What is your student’s name? How special it is that God directed her to come this school year!….and what a blessing for her to have many excellent teachers 🙂

  2. On March 23rd, 2013 at 4:54 pm Sybille Weaver Says:

    Congratulations, Megan! It seems every young person I know is pairing off and getting married. What an exciting time of life for you!
    I’m glad to know that you were able to keep your school going. But I’m guessing God knew you needed a little extra time to plan your wedding! His timing is always perfect, don’t you think?!