Lance & Megan's Blog

A birthday to remember


My birthday is shared with George Washington’s birthday, February 22nd. I always thought it was pretty cool, basically my birthday is marked on everyone’s calendar… via our first president.


This year though, my birthday was marked by something else, something exciting. No it was not just that I was turning 30 (that is pretty cool though!) It was a new day in Ukraine, a day without corrupt leaders. Ukraine’s president, Viktor Yanukovych, was ousted and new leaders took control! It was a new independence day!

Photo credit: KyivPost

There has been so much happening in Ukraine politically. People became tired of the corrupt leaders and wanted an end to the lies. Now, former president Yanukovych, has fled leaving ruins. He stole millions from the country, he put his friends and family in power who followed his lead and also stole from the country.

Photo credit: Anastasia Taylor-Lind

Though February, 22 was a happy day in Ukraine, it was also a day to remember those who gave their lives to help rebuild a new Ukraine. It will be a long a bumpy road to rebuild a strong and thriving Ukraine, but the people are not afraid of hard work. Ukrainians are tough people and will not shy away from getting their hands dirty.

I’m so happy I got to celebrate my birthday with a whole country!

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Ternopil gets into the action


Most of the action for independence is in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine which is an 9 hour train ride away. Ternopil is usually a quiet city, not too much happens here. Ternopil is the capital of the Ternopil oblast, what Americans would call states. The Ternopil oblast is the poorest in the country, we do not have many exports, we are primarily a university region.

Despite the economy here, Ternopilites have gone in droves to Kiev to help in the fighting. Ternopil is quite nationalistic and will contribute to any cause that will help Ukraine as a country. Not only have people here gone, they have given tires, food, medical supplies, and money to help in the revolution.

On February 19th, the people became more active. Earlier one government building was taken over by protesters but on Wednesday night they set fire to the police office, the prosecutors office and police vehicles. They tore up the cobble in the streets and threw them at other government building windows. People wanted to make sure to put an end to all corruption in all areas of the government.

Here are a few photos of what happened.

Ternopil riot 1 overturned truck

Ternopil riot 4 (good)

Ternopil riot 3

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Get away to Lviv


Since part of my job here in Ukraine is to manage staff vacations I can see when people have not taken enough vacation. When our English school ended I caught myself up with some personnel duties and made the realization that Joanne and I had not had a vacation in over a year! Yikes!

We promptly remedied that.

Staff member Marichka and my former roommate, has been on sabbatical since April and we have missed her terribly.

So we also remedied that.

This involved a train trip to Lviv, her hometown. I won’t tell the whole story of how we actually got there. Let’s just say that we thought Marichka said to stay on the bus for 14 min and that she will be at the bus station. In reality, she said 40 min at when she said bus station she meant bus stop. It was truly a miracle that we found each other!

Driving a flying car!

Driving a flying car!

View of the city, can you spot the flying car?

View of the city, can you spot the flying car?

Enjoying some dessert together

Enjoying some dessert together

What do a couple of girls do when they get together? Well, we went into the center for dinner and tea. Walked about in the beautiful city and enjoyed the great weather. We stayed up late and watched a girly movie. Next day we slept in, ate a late breakfast and then went for a walk before we had to head back to the train station. It was just a quick getaway but so worth it.

In front of the theatre

In front of the theatre

posted under Megan, travel, Ukraine | 1 Comment »

Taking a break with the staff


July means retreat. Retreat means staying in the village and stayin in the village means relaxation.

Group shot

Group shot

Every July we have our annual staff retreat. It’s a time to get away, to hide from the busyness of ministry and rest together.

Everyone comes prepared to camp out in tents for two nights/three days. The дача (country cottage) is reserved for fixing food and for a few people to sleep in. We take time to just chat, eat, pray, eat, play games, eat, worship, eat, take walks, and eat some more. There is always good food, always.

Setting up home

Setting up home

Like flies to meat...

Like flies to meat…

Roasting bread on a stick

Roasting bread on a stick

Sometimes we have some kind of agenda or program. This year, our only agenda was to pray for each other and have some time of devotions. It was simple but refilling.

Worshiping together

Worshiping together

Playing Dutch Blitz

Playing Dutch Blitz

Every retreat needs a hammock

Every retreat needs a hammock


Every time I come out to the дача I feel like I’m back at home in the country. You never know what you miss until it’s gone.

Highlights from this year are having four new staff with us at staff retreat, having a hammock, playing with a slack line, having a few bikes, making bread over the fire, and having Lance there was a huge personal highlight!

Resting together

Resting together

Watching the sunset

Watching the sunset


posted under Megan, Ukraine, YWAM | 1 Comment »

Eating and boiling


American idiom: That really makes my blood boil!

Ukrainian version: That really eats my liver!


Yep, next time you want to use the idiom “boils my blood” just use “eats my liver” instead. It’s the same thing!

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