Family, Friends, Supporters,
This is our first state of the Roberts address together as a married couple. Obviously, there have been many changes in the last year.
Health Care
There were no major illnesses or accidents. There were only a few small head colds. Lance hopes to get new glasses in the next few weeks too.
This year was truly a roller coaster of emotions. The year began by us learning to work together and to communicate clearly to one another. The year ended with us learning to communicate with staff. We agreed to take up the leadership role of the base in October and this has brought many challenges with it but we are learning quickly and know that God is with us.
Lance and I have been reading through the Gospels together and are now into Acts. Lance is reading The Book That Made Your World, How the Bible Create the Soul of Western Civilization by Vishal Mangalwadi and has thoroughly been enjoying it. Megan just finished In the Name of Jesus by Henri Nouwen, a book on Christian leadership. We read together every night and jump between spiritual books and other classics.
Foreign Policy
Lance and I did not do too much traveling outside of Ukraine this year. We made a trip to Moldova to teach in a DTS staff training and to get our Ukrainian visas. On our way back we stopped in Romania to spend some time with DTS staff there. We received temporary residency and no longer have to make border runs, which is a huge blessing. Lance and I have made a point to explore more of Ukraine though. We felt that it was important to know more of the country that we call home. We have explored castles and other cities. We hope to visit other major cities in our oblast (state.)
The first bit of teaching that Lance and I did, was debriefing the Ternopil DTS when they returned from outreach. We spent almost a week together looking over the last six months and what God has done. In the spring, we went to Moldova to train DTS staff for their upcoming DTS. That was also about a week long. Lance shared the teaching time with friends of ours who had also come to teach. On our way back, we stopped to visit a base in Romania. We only spent one night here but enjoyed connecting with the base and the DTS staff there. Also in the spring, Megan taught a short class for preparing students to take the IELS test. She focused only on the speaking portion of the test. It was a small class but a great opportunity to be in the community. Over the summer, both of us staffed the DTS Equip school which was six weeks long. There were guests speakers who came to teach but the school staff also taught on different topics. In the fall, we finally had a chance to be taught by speakers who came to teach our staff.
Lance has set up a new budget system for us which has helped us in managing what we spend on ourselves versus what is spent on ministry. Sometimes those get a little mixed up and this has been something we are trying to just be more aware of. We started the year with a modest income but God has been faithful and each month seems to be more than we thought. We are so blessed by all who support us financially! We continue to set aside money for blessing others around us and for the church that we are a part of. We love our little apartment and have been slowly making it more our own. Our car, nicknamed “The Silver Bullet,” a Daewoo Sens, has been hanging in there. We are realizing that we will need a new car in the very near future. Currently, the car does not want to get into 1st, 2nd, or reverse. We barely made it back to Ternopil from Romania in the spring. We are setting money aside for a new car and are looking into what would be best for us, buy one here, buy one in Europe, or buy it in the States.
This year we also wanted to add something new to our address. Below we have added a chart of where all our spending has gone this past year. It is as accurate as we can make it with using multiple currencies which is nothing short of a headache. We want to be accountable and open with our finances.

Thank you again and again for everyone who has been a part of our lives. You have been an encouragement and support through out this past year. We couldn’t do it with out you!
Much love,
Lance & Megan Roberts