Lance & Megan's Blog

Packing it all up


Lance and I have stayed in the same apartment in Ukraine for the last four years. It was our first home as a married couple so it has a special place in our lives.

Our first meal in our home

Over the last year though we have been thinking about finding a new place that would be cheaper and when we knew that we would be coming back to the states to have our baby it seemed to be the perfect time to move out.

We have had a good landlord and lots of memories in this place. We have had friends and family come stay with us, many get togethers with friends, and just time together as a couple. We hope to find a new place that is for a good price, has room for guests, and either has an elevator or is not on the fourth floor. Our ideal plan would be to rent a house that has a bit of yard but that is not as easy as finding an apartment.

First Christmas in our apartment

View from our window

Saying goodbye as we pack everything up

posted under Lance, Megan

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