Lance & Megan's Blog

Adorning the Dark by Andrew Peterson


4/5 stars

A formational book review by Megan

“Sometimes you have to do the work even if you don’t feel like it. Sometimes you have to put away your wants and do what needs to be done, which really means dying to self in order to find life.”

Adorning the Dark is all about community, calling and creating told through the life of Andrew Peterson. It is part biography, part spiritual growth, part handbook.

Reading as a Disciple

“Over the gateway of Self is a sign that says, “Abandon hope, all ye who enter.” It is a hellish, helpless place. Die to self. Live to God. Let your words and music be more beautiful by their death in the soil of worship, that the husk of your own imperfection might fall away and germinate into some bright, eternal song only God could have written.”

Dying to self is one of those Christian phrases that we hear often but are completely unsure how to live out. I like this quote because it gives some framework for that living out. I should desire that my “own imperfection might fall away and germinate into some bright, eternal song.” So much of dying to self, is being ok with our imperfections and letting God use our willingness to serve and obey despite what we see as weaknesses. Peterson gave many examples of doing things that were bigger than himself, it was not what was “advised” but what he felt God leading him to do and God was glorified.

Reading Communally

“You’ll be tempted to slow down, or take an easier route- but it is only by discipline that you’ll finish, and it is only in finishing that you’ll be able to offer up your humble work to those weary souls who may need it.”

I can say that discipline is not something I excel at. It takes a lot of effort to practice discipline. Even for something I enjoy like carving, I know I should practice more but there are days I’m tired or feel “uninspired.” Peterson urges the reader to practice perseverance in whatever craft you practice, not just for ourselves but also for the benefit of others. We are offering up beauty and truth to others and what people do with that is “[God’s] business and none of [ours],” a paraphrase of a Flannery O’Connor quote that Peterson mentions. Being in community can bring growth and refinement as others weigh in on our offerings but can also bring confusion and discouragement if we put too much weight on the opinions of others. It is a fine line to walk, between doing what we feel God has led us to do and listening to the outside voices, even those of people we respect. It is a tension to manage.

Final Thoughts

I thoroughly enjoyed reading Adorning the Dark. It was masterfully done, it didn’t feel like a “teachy” book, it had plenty of stories from Andrew Peterson’s life but there was much to ponder and reflect over. It is for any artist but it is aimed more for singers and songwriters.

Other books:

Not only is Andrew Peterson a musician but he is the author of multiple other books that I would say are must reads including The Wingfeather Saga, which if you haven’t read, go read it now!

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Frankenstein by Mary Shelley


A formational book review by Megan

4.5/5 stars

“I had desired it [creating a being] with an ardour that far exceeded moderation; but now that I had finished; the beauty of the dream vanished; and breathless horror and disgust filled my heart.”

Many people through out the world know about Frankenstein, Hollywood has given much attention to this tale of terror but fewer people actually read the book and know that Frankenstein is actually the name of the scientist who creates the monster, not the other way around.

Lance and I both read this book along with two of our friends here in Port Townsend. We recently got together to discuss the book so this book review will not follow the usual format.

I read the 1818 Frankenstein version that includes notes and discussion questions from Karen Swallow Prior, a Christian professor of literature and author of multiple books, she even added in the book a section titled “Reading Frankenstein as a Christian Today.”


Mary Shelley was born in 1797 England to two revolutionary authors who did not believe in marriage but only married after they were expecting Mary and knew that their daughter would be at a disadvantage if the did not marry. Mary grew up outside the typical family boundaries, she had multiple half siblings from her parent’s illegitimate relationships and because of this she followed their idea of “free love” and ran away with author Percy Shelley (who was already married) along with her half-sister. Sadly, Mary endured the deaths of four of her children through miscarriages or premature death along with the suicide of a sister and Percy’s wife and eventually her lover. She was surrounded by death.

Unofficial Thoughts from the Unofficial DB Book Club

“I don’t like Frankenstein,” says Rachel. She is referring to Victor Frankenstein and his obsession for glory and prestige.

Rachel interjected this opinion as we compared the visions of glory sought by Victor Frankenstein and Paul in 2 Corinthians 12. Paul states that he will only boast of his weaknesses because through them Christ is glorified. Frankenstein set out to create his monster for his own glory, for the triumph of creating.

“A new species would bless me as its creator and source; many happy and excellent natures would owe their being to me. No father could claim the gratitude of his child so completely as I should deserve theirs.”

Compare that quote with Paul in 2 Corinthians 12:9 “But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.

We moved on to discuss the question, what truths does the novel convey about human beings as social creatures?

God created us for community, he desired to be with His creation while Frankenstein created for his own glory and once he created his monster, he wanted nothing to do with it. The monster continued to seek out fellowship and community, he desired relationship and acceptance which is what drove him to demand a mate from Frankenstein.

“but my form is a filthy type of yours, more horrid from its very resemblance. Satan had his companions, fellow-devils, to admire and encourage him; but I am solitary and detested.”

The monster was rejected by mankind and forced to live a solitary life and in his anguish he cultivated hatred and a desire for revenge. In the introduction, Prior discusses the importance of companionship and friendship and that perhaps the church today has replaced this idea with “mentors” or “accountability partners” instead of helping people find healthy “companionship in our lives and as well as the dangers of not having good friends.”

“I don’t like Frankenstein,” repeats Rachel.

Nature versus nurture is another great topic to discuss in view of the book. Was Frankenstein’s creature destined to be a monster in character or was that nurtured by the rejection of society and his Creator? Multiple times the monster begs his creator to take pity on him as his creation but his request falls on deaf ears. It can also be discussed that if we are created in the image of God, what was the monster created in the image of and does that bear on his character?

“Slave, I before reasoned with you, but you have proved yourself unworthy of my condescension. Remember that I have power; you believe yourself miserable, but I can make you so wretched that the light of day will be hateful to you. You are my creator, but I am your master;- obey!”

“Did I mention I don’t like Frankenstein?” asks Rachel.

Final Thoughts

“Living as we do in a culture that increasingly questions the goodness (or even the existence) of a God who created a world and to whom we are subject renders this two-hundred-year-old novel more timely than ever.”

Karen Swallow Prior

Read Frankenstein as soon as possible, there is much to unpack and contemplate.

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I Am David by Anne Holm


Formational book review by Megan

3.5/5 stars

“All suffering has an end, David, if only you wait long enough. Try to remember that… Sorrow has its life just like people. Sorrow is born and lives and dies. And when it’s dead and gone, someone’s left behind to remember it. Exactly like people.”

I Am David is a story of a boy who escaped a concentration camp after growing up there and knows nothing of the outside world. It’s a story of his journey to freedom and his perspective of the world.

Reading as a Disciple

“But when he entered the house, his old way of life lost some of its value. He had seen what he could never have, and nothing would ever again appear quite so good and satisfying as it had done before he had learned of the existence of that other life.”

Jealousy is a difficult emotion to navigate, discontent is even harder. We teach our boys that once you see something, you can never unsee it. David learns this through experience and goes on his journey with a discontent at his circumstances. We have all been there, seeing someone get a job promotion, a new car, a dream home… things that we may never enjoy. We are left with this feeling of discontent and sadness at our own situation in life.

I enjoyed reading how David prays to “the God of the green pastures and still waters,” such a beautiful image of contentment and peace. It is this approach that is helpful when the feelings of discontent arise. I can also appeal to the God of the green pastures and still waters for that peace in where I am at in life. God is with me in all parts of my life, and that is enough.

Reading Communally

“He talks beautifully, and he has really charming manners- often better than our own youngsters’- that seem to come from a quite instinctive knowledge that consideration and respect for other people’s rights are the only way to live peacefully and satisfactorily together.”

David meets all kinds of people on his journey north; some are kind, some are suspicious, some are cruel and some are loving. Each encounter is fresh with lessons to be learned whether about life or about himself. What is beautiful when looking at the whole story is that David would never have made it if he did not learn to trust people, people were important to his success. It took another to help pull him out of his discontent when he lost hope of a better life.

Through each encounter, he showed respect for each person. His respectfulness for the worth of each individual, no matter whether he liked them or not, was something that set him apart from the average person. His attitude is a great reminder that we should show respect for the imago dei in each person and that each person we meet has something to offer us.

Final Thoughts

The book is a work of fiction but has much to offer in looking at perspectives and human nature/nurture. The lower score is simply because I don’t generally enjoy first person thought narrative, just too many conversations in his head and there were a few slow parts in the story. The story still holds lots to discuss and think about though.

Other books:

Anne Holm is a Danish author and has written other books. I have not read any others by her but there is a movie based on the book by the same title.

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Our Top Books of 2024


What were our favorites from last year? Here’s our breakdown in no particular order.

Megan’s Top 3

  1. Everything Sad is Untrue by Daniel Nayeri
  2. The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot
  3. Evidence Not Seen by Darlene Deibler Rose
  4. Runner up: The Lost Year by Katherine Marsh

Lance’s Top 3

  1. Practicing the Way by John Mark Comer
  2. The Space Trilogy by C. S. Lewis
  3. Lilith George MacDonald
  4. Runner up: Blessed are the Misfits by Brant Hansen


Megan read:

  • 27 books total, 6,536 pages
  • 8 biographies
  • 6 non-fiction
  • 2 books in verse
  • 4 graphic novels

Reading graphic novels and books written in verse was a new experience. I enjoyed it and can definitely see how artwork can enhance the story for graphic novels and writing in verse can evoke emotion and tell a story in a different way than just text. I read several books with a friend which always helps enhance the reading experience, for example, Rumors of a Better Country is best read with another person, it’s very heady and theoretical and needs conversation to help process what’s been read.
There are only a few books I would not recommend (How To Rob a Bank and This One Summer) but overall, I enjoyed all the books I read.

Lance read:

  • 23 books total, 7,139 pages
  • 2 biographies
  • 9 non-fiction
  • 3 Christian Formation
  • Many university text books, articles and journals etc.

Much to my angst, my normal reading this year has been interrupted by the textbooks of school. I do not begrudge this change too much however, as it is all for the good cause of continuing my education to gain more specific skills in our ministering and loving those we serve. In my other reading, it has mostly been a year of oldie-but-goodies that I have read multiple times. I think it was Lewis who said that you have never really read a book until you have gone back to it over and over again. He is also a major part of my re-reading this year. The boys and I have been slowly going through Narnia and it is as alive to me as ever. I also read the space trilogy again. These books are so important for our time now, as all the Space Trilogy evangelists will tell you. Blessed are the Misfits was a surprisingly helpful book for me. I would have not given it a second glance unless a friend went through it with me. I have always felt uncomfortable in different Christian settings, and this helped me understand that I was not alone. Finally, George Macdonald hits me in so many good ways and I owe to him a lot of my love for God and others through his writing… thanks again Lewis for the recommendation.

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Together in Ukraine


In our last email update, Lance had just arrived in Lviv, Ukraine for the national YWAM gathering called Razom, meaning together. It was such a great time for all the staff. It was important for everyone to come together, to see each other, hear what everyone is doing and how they are doing. The care team Lance is part of, held break-out sessions about caring for traumatized people and how to do simple group care. He also met with different people throughout their time. After the gathering, Lance went to Kyiv to meet with more people. It was a time well spent. 

Lance with the rest of the care team that came to Ukraine.

Lance with the national leaders in Ukraine.

With the Ternopil leaders.

On the way to Kyiv.

Lance with some of the staff from Kyiv.

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